International Cultural Event
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International Cultural Event
(this is a copy of the e-mail I sent out to the people involved, feel free to comment here)
Hi guys,
Thanks for volunteering to help with the International Cultural Event next Sunday. It looks like it should be a fairly good performance, there are currently a dozen or so acts to perform on the night, most of which should be fairly straightforward from a technical point of view. The proposed plan for the evening is as follows:
Irish Dance 1
Ken Skit 1 (a presentation/talk)
Teakwando exhibition
African and Caribbean Item
Pianist + Singer
Naysun-Satoru Martial Arts
Bagpipes 1
Intermission with clips + Magic Tricks*
Irish Dance 2
Belly Dancer
Ken Skit 2 and/or Japan soc story
Jazz Accapella
Bagpipes 2
although this may well change, and indeed may have changed already. (Ken's skit is likely to be inserted before the band so that setup for that can take place behind the curtains while the presentation is running on the screen in front of the stage, for instance). Currently, not many acts have requested anything particularly complex with regards to sound and light. The basic requirements will just be for a PA system with a few mics on stage. Other requirements are currently:
- Juggling - want UV light on stage (can we reposition the UV cannons for this or something?)
- Intermission and Ken's skit - projector/screen. Main pulldown screen should be used for this, with Ken standing at the side providing his commentary.
- Pianist - requires a piano (the union has one, does it not?)
- Drum kit required for the band
If any of this is likely to be a problem, let me know asap. Otherwise, the event will basically just be requiring mics for various acts, and "appropriate" lighting. I've had some thoughts about a lighting plan, but would appreciate some help in designing and implementing it - Andrew H, I remember discussing this with you, would you be able to provide some assistance on this front?
There is to be a rehersal in venue 1 starting at 12pm on Sunday, with the final event taking place in the evening at around 7.30 / 8pm or so. We could either come in early on Sunday for rigging and setup, or otherwise Saturday afternoon would have to be used for this (assuming the venue isn't going to be used for other things, if so, then that makes things awkward). I'll get in touch with you all again later in the week with more information. It may be handy for me to have a note of your phone numbers too, if you wouldn't mind sending them to me? Thanks!
Apologies for all the waffle, and let me know if you have any comments or have spotted any flaws I haven't!
Hi guys,
Thanks for volunteering to help with the International Cultural Event next Sunday. It looks like it should be a fairly good performance, there are currently a dozen or so acts to perform on the night, most of which should be fairly straightforward from a technical point of view. The proposed plan for the evening is as follows:
Irish Dance 1
Ken Skit 1 (a presentation/talk)
Teakwando exhibition
African and Caribbean Item
Pianist + Singer
Naysun-Satoru Martial Arts
Bagpipes 1
Intermission with clips + Magic Tricks*
Irish Dance 2
Belly Dancer
Ken Skit 2 and/or Japan soc story
Jazz Accapella
Bagpipes 2
although this may well change, and indeed may have changed already. (Ken's skit is likely to be inserted before the band so that setup for that can take place behind the curtains while the presentation is running on the screen in front of the stage, for instance). Currently, not many acts have requested anything particularly complex with regards to sound and light. The basic requirements will just be for a PA system with a few mics on stage. Other requirements are currently:
- Juggling - want UV light on stage (can we reposition the UV cannons for this or something?)
- Intermission and Ken's skit - projector/screen. Main pulldown screen should be used for this, with Ken standing at the side providing his commentary.
- Pianist - requires a piano (the union has one, does it not?)
- Drum kit required for the band
If any of this is likely to be a problem, let me know asap. Otherwise, the event will basically just be requiring mics for various acts, and "appropriate" lighting. I've had some thoughts about a lighting plan, but would appreciate some help in designing and implementing it - Andrew H, I remember discussing this with you, would you be able to provide some assistance on this front?
There is to be a rehersal in venue 1 starting at 12pm on Sunday, with the final event taking place in the evening at around 7.30 / 8pm or so. We could either come in early on Sunday for rigging and setup, or otherwise Saturday afternoon would have to be used for this (assuming the venue isn't going to be used for other things, if so, then that makes things awkward). I'll get in touch with you all again later in the week with more information. It may be handy for me to have a note of your phone numbers too, if you wouldn't mind sending them to me? Thanks!
Apologies for all the waffle, and let me know if you have any comments or have spotted any flaws I haven't!
Owen Rudge
Is Little shop being derigged? It might be easier if its not, then you can get a copy of the lighting plan for that and modify it to suit. (assuming there is nothing too weird in the Little Shop plan).
One of the problems with using the UV cannons is that they take a wee while to warm up. If the screen is going to be down/curtain closed for the item before, then if the cannons are rigged on stage this shouldn't be too much of a problem. But you might want it lit from the front with UVs as well. The other problem is that they are used for the bop, but seeing as your planning on rigging on Sat/Sun this shouldn't be a problem.
Is the get out for Little Shop on friday?
Remember that rigging, patching and programing the desk always take longer than you expect, and if Andy starts suggesting changing socapex then be afraid!
One of the problems with using the UV cannons is that they take a wee while to warm up. If the screen is going to be down/curtain closed for the item before, then if the cannons are rigged on stage this shouldn't be too much of a problem. But you might want it lit from the front with UVs as well. The other problem is that they are used for the bop, but seeing as your planning on rigging on Sat/Sun this shouldn't be a problem.
Is the get out for Little Shop on friday?
Remember that rigging, patching and programing the desk always take longer than you expect, and if Andy starts suggesting changing socapex then be afraid!

Indeed, that's a good point, I'll find that out as it may make things a bit easier.Keith wrote:Is Little shop being derigged? It might be easier if its not, then you can get a copy of the lighting plan for that and modify it to suit. (assuming there is nothing too weird in the Little Shop plan).
I'll have to check that with the programme - currently it looks like the screen will be down, which could give the cannons some time to warm up. We'll have to see how well it works in the rehersal and probably tweak if necessary. If the UV just doesn't work (I don't think jugglingsoc have actually had an opportunity to test their stuff under UV light, although it's meant to work rather well), we'll just have to come up with a different lighting plan for that performance.Keith wrote:One of the problems with using the UV cannons is that they take a wee while to warm up. If the screen is going to be down/curtain closed for the item before, then if the cannons are rigged on stage this shouldn't be too much of a problem. But you might want it lit from the front with UVs as well.
Heh, well, I'm certainly not planning on having a lighting rig as complex as Andy's latest achievement, the plan is to have something reasonably simple but effective.Remember that rigging, patching and programing the desk always take longer than you expect, and if Andy starts suggesting changing socapex then be afraid!
Shall find out about Little Shop and when they're derigging, etc.
Owen Rudge
Hmm, this post has grown very long, but please bear with me...
OK, an update from today's meeting - the hopefully final lineup is as follows:
- Irish Dance 1
- Teakwando exhibition
- African and Caribbean Item
- Pianist + Singer
- Bagpipes 1
- Ken Skit 1 (curtains close, pull down screen, set up for band*)
- Band
- Intermission (curtains close, video played on projector, remove band, set up for martial arts)
- Naysun-Satoru Martial Arts
- Ken Skit 2 and/or Japan soc story (curtains close, remove mats, warm up UV cannons)
- Juggling
- Belly Dancer
- Jazz Accapella
- Bagpipes 2
- Irish Dance 2
I'm meeting up with Andrew tonight to have a think about lights. I've got a copy of the Little Shop lighting plan, we're going to have a look and see what we may be able to scrounge from there to basically help save us some time and effort this weekend. Most of the lighting is basically intended to be "appropriate" for the acts, but there are no real specific requirements (except for the UV with the juggling, which will hopefully work, and white or dramatic lighting for the kung-fu). Shall post more about this later.
Other setup concerns, etc:
- The band would rather not bring their own drumkit for logistical reasons. I've found that LiveSoc do have a drum kit in the union, but it's not in the best state, but may suffice for the short performance we're having. They'll get back to me tomorrow about that.
- Piano: obviously we cannot get this on stage with any great ease, so this'll basically be performed in the corner of the stage next to the beer bar with some sort of appropriate lighting directed at it.
- Setting up for the band: the majority of the stage will be needed for the other acts (some more than others - eg, dancers). (I'm also going to ask for the extension to the stage Little Shop have to be kept, to extend the available space). This means that we'll need to get the band's kit on and off as quickly and smoothly as possible, which may pose a problem. I'm wondering if it's possible to have this set up at the back of the stage, and have a second curtain in front of all this, and then basically try to pull it all forward for the performance (while the skit is going on in the foreground, with the screen down and curtains closed), and then moving it back again during the break? If not, we'll have to think of some other logistical way of doing this.
- Kung-fu require some gymnastic mats, they are getting them sorted but they'll need setting up again behind the screen/curtains during interval, and taking down again during the skit afterwards.
I think those are currently all of the special requirements I'm aware of - the other acts will mainly just be them coming on, performing, and leaving and just require appropriate lighting, and a few mics in the case of vocal performers, and many of the items will have a backing musical track to be played during the performance. There is also a plan for a video to be played during the interval (we have a VHS player in the ents cupboard, or elsewhere in the union, don't we?), and the Ken skits will just require projection of some PowerPoints. Hopefully nothing should be a problem here.
Arrangements for the Weekend
I'm wanting to get things rigged on the Saturday, as time will be limited on the Sunday. At the moment I'm not sure precisely what rigging will be needed, this will be sorted out over the next few days. I'll therefore post a more precise time for the Saturday soon, but ideally I'd prefer it to be earlier rather than later. (In addition, I'm meant to be setting up for the beer bar band in the afternoon/evening, so I'll either have to leave you guys to it, or we'll have to do all that earlier. Plus I'm meant to be teching a radio show. Oh dear, it'll be a busy day.) Shall get back to you all on that again.
As for the Sunday, the day is roughly scheduled as follows:
11.30am - 12pm: performers get-in
12pm-ish: technical rehersal (checking lighting, etc, adjusting if necessary, ensuring backstage stuff runs smoothly)
3pm or so: final rehersal, hopefully a duplicate of the final night
7.30pm: doors open
The show itself is likely to be around 2 hours long.
I'm not sure what will need doing on the Sunday morning, as I daresay that'll depend on what we get done on the Saturday. Most likely setting up the PA system, and programming the Pearl (if we can't get some of this done on the Saturday). Therefore we may want to start early on Saturday - perhaps as early as 9am, I'm not too sure how long things may take. Somebody else is probably a better judge of time than me on this.
Right, this message has gone on so long I can't quite remember if there's anything else I need to mention for now. I'll be getting in touch with the band and with LiveSoc to sort out any issues there, and if anyone has any concerns or whatnot, please do let me know soon!
Thanks all, hopefully this'll turn out to be a good show!
OK, an update from today's meeting - the hopefully final lineup is as follows:
- Irish Dance 1
- Teakwando exhibition
- African and Caribbean Item
- Pianist + Singer
- Bagpipes 1
- Ken Skit 1 (curtains close, pull down screen, set up for band*)
- Band
- Intermission (curtains close, video played on projector, remove band, set up for martial arts)
- Naysun-Satoru Martial Arts
- Ken Skit 2 and/or Japan soc story (curtains close, remove mats, warm up UV cannons)
- Juggling
- Belly Dancer
- Jazz Accapella
- Bagpipes 2
- Irish Dance 2
I'm meeting up with Andrew tonight to have a think about lights. I've got a copy of the Little Shop lighting plan, we're going to have a look and see what we may be able to scrounge from there to basically help save us some time and effort this weekend. Most of the lighting is basically intended to be "appropriate" for the acts, but there are no real specific requirements (except for the UV with the juggling, which will hopefully work, and white or dramatic lighting for the kung-fu). Shall post more about this later.
Other setup concerns, etc:
- The band would rather not bring their own drumkit for logistical reasons. I've found that LiveSoc do have a drum kit in the union, but it's not in the best state, but may suffice for the short performance we're having. They'll get back to me tomorrow about that.
- Piano: obviously we cannot get this on stage with any great ease, so this'll basically be performed in the corner of the stage next to the beer bar with some sort of appropriate lighting directed at it.
- Setting up for the band: the majority of the stage will be needed for the other acts (some more than others - eg, dancers). (I'm also going to ask for the extension to the stage Little Shop have to be kept, to extend the available space). This means that we'll need to get the band's kit on and off as quickly and smoothly as possible, which may pose a problem. I'm wondering if it's possible to have this set up at the back of the stage, and have a second curtain in front of all this, and then basically try to pull it all forward for the performance (while the skit is going on in the foreground, with the screen down and curtains closed), and then moving it back again during the break? If not, we'll have to think of some other logistical way of doing this.
- Kung-fu require some gymnastic mats, they are getting them sorted but they'll need setting up again behind the screen/curtains during interval, and taking down again during the skit afterwards.
I think those are currently all of the special requirements I'm aware of - the other acts will mainly just be them coming on, performing, and leaving and just require appropriate lighting, and a few mics in the case of vocal performers, and many of the items will have a backing musical track to be played during the performance. There is also a plan for a video to be played during the interval (we have a VHS player in the ents cupboard, or elsewhere in the union, don't we?), and the Ken skits will just require projection of some PowerPoints. Hopefully nothing should be a problem here.
Arrangements for the Weekend
I'm wanting to get things rigged on the Saturday, as time will be limited on the Sunday. At the moment I'm not sure precisely what rigging will be needed, this will be sorted out over the next few days. I'll therefore post a more precise time for the Saturday soon, but ideally I'd prefer it to be earlier rather than later. (In addition, I'm meant to be setting up for the beer bar band in the afternoon/evening, so I'll either have to leave you guys to it, or we'll have to do all that earlier. Plus I'm meant to be teching a radio show. Oh dear, it'll be a busy day.) Shall get back to you all on that again.
As for the Sunday, the day is roughly scheduled as follows:
11.30am - 12pm: performers get-in
12pm-ish: technical rehersal (checking lighting, etc, adjusting if necessary, ensuring backstage stuff runs smoothly)
3pm or so: final rehersal, hopefully a duplicate of the final night
7.30pm: doors open
The show itself is likely to be around 2 hours long.
I'm not sure what will need doing on the Sunday morning, as I daresay that'll depend on what we get done on the Saturday. Most likely setting up the PA system, and programming the Pearl (if we can't get some of this done on the Saturday). Therefore we may want to start early on Saturday - perhaps as early as 9am, I'm not too sure how long things may take. Somebody else is probably a better judge of time than me on this.
Right, this message has gone on so long I can't quite remember if there's anything else I need to mention for now. I'll be getting in touch with the band and with LiveSoc to sort out any issues there, and if anyone has any concerns or whatnot, please do let me know soon!
Thanks all, hopefully this'll turn out to be a good show!
Owen Rudge
If we're not responsible for the sound, then ignore this post! I can't remember from discussions if we are or not!
It seems that that will be a reasonable amount of work for sound. What mics will we have by then? What parts will need them, how many, and what type?
What sound desks do we have at the moment that we could use then?
Is Bagpipes 1 just one person or many? If they're not moving around much or theres not many of them, maybe we could have the curtain closed then, to give us more time to set up for the band.
Would we be able to do some rigging on Friday?
It seems that that will be a reasonable amount of work for sound. What mics will we have by then? What parts will need them, how many, and what type?
What sound desks do we have at the moment that we could use then?
Is Bagpipes 1 just one person or many? If they're not moving around much or theres not many of them, maybe we could have the curtain closed then, to give us more time to set up for the band.
Would we be able to do some rigging on Friday?
Last edited by Keith on Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Basically, it's looking as though the African and Caribbean item (singing), [Pianist + ] Singer, Ken Skits (vocal commentary) and Jazz Accapella (possibly, shall check numbers here, they may well be OK without) will be requiring mics, plus the two presenters. I'll see if I can find out what mics we'll have by then, Chris is getting us a few new ones, if I remember.Keith wrote:It seems that that will be a reasonable amount of work for sound. What mics will we have by then? What parts will need them, how many, and what type?
The 12-channel is with the radio, but we should have the 8-channel (although I'll be wanting to use that on the Saturday night for the band setup most likely, so that'd have to be set up on the Sunday). Not sure what else we'd have, again shall have to enquire about that.What sound desks do we have at the moment that we could use then?
It's many, although I'm not sure how many, and indeed it that could well be a possibility that might work well. The skit is not likely to last more than 10 minutes, so that would be handy indeed.Is Bagpipes 1 just one person or many? If they're not moving around much or theres not many of them, maybe we could have the curtain closed then, to give us more time to set up for the band.
Hmm, Little Shop are planning on derigging on Friday morning, but that may well be a possibility.Would we be able to do some rigging on Friday?
On that note, will leaving the stage extension pose a problem for the bop? I seem to remember we did a bop a couple of weeks ago with it there, will be something that'd have to be checked out I guess, as taking it down and putting it up again on the Saturday is rather impractical.
Shall find out about what needs finding out about and get back when I can.
Owen Rudge
I'm going to reiterate Keith's Edit: What is the make up of the band.
Primarilly how many vocals, how many instruments to mic etc.
Also I would recomend you appoint one person to be incharge of Sound, one incharge of projection.
What backcloth are you using, because after you mentioned "dramatic" lighting for the martial arts I had the idea of projecting flames or such like behind them, do they need the no shadows?
There is indeed a video player in Ents cupboard.
[EDIT: Keiths Last post wasn't there when i started to write]
Primarilly how many vocals, how many instruments to mic etc.
Also I would recomend you appoint one person to be incharge of Sound, one incharge of projection.
What backcloth are you using, because after you mentioned "dramatic" lighting for the martial arts I had the idea of projecting flames or such like behind them, do they need the no shadows?
There is indeed a video player in Ents cupboard.
[EDIT: Keiths Last post wasn't there when i started to write]
OK, some details we decided up on earlier. I'm a bit tired now so will post more tomorrow when my brain is hopefully functionning better and I've figured out everything that needs figuring out.
We've changed the schedule (again), should now be a bit more managable:
Irish Dance 1
Teakwando exhibition
African and Caribbean Item
Pianist + Singer
Bagpipes 1
Ken Skit 1
Naysun-Satoru Martial Arts
Ken Skit 2 and/or Japan soc story
Belly Dancer
Jazz Accapella
Bagpipes 2
Irish Dance 2
This gives us more time to set up for the band - basically, we can extend the intermission if need be.
The band consists of (we think, find out properly tomorrow hopefully) 2xguitar, 1xbass guitar, drum kit. Andrew figured out what we should need in the way of mics, etc, I'll post everything tomorrow. I've also got a preliminary lighting plan drawn up, which I shall fiddle with a bit more before uploading.
Again, will post more tomorrow. Cheers for all your help.
We've changed the schedule (again), should now be a bit more managable:
Irish Dance 1
Teakwando exhibition
African and Caribbean Item
Pianist + Singer
Bagpipes 1
Ken Skit 1
Naysun-Satoru Martial Arts
Ken Skit 2 and/or Japan soc story
Belly Dancer
Jazz Accapella
Bagpipes 2
Irish Dance 2
This gives us more time to set up for the band - basically, we can extend the intermission if need be.
The band consists of (we think, find out properly tomorrow hopefully) 2xguitar, 1xbass guitar, drum kit. Andrew figured out what we should need in the way of mics, etc, I'll post everything tomorrow. I've also got a preliminary lighting plan drawn up, which I shall fiddle with a bit more before uploading.
Again, will post more tomorrow. Cheers for all your help.
Owen Rudge
what about the delta?orudge wrote:
The 12-channel is with the radio, but we should have the 8-channel (although I'll be wanting to use that on the Saturday night for the band setup most likely, so that'd have to be set up on the Sunday). Not sure what else we'd have, again shall have to enquire about that.
We are intending to use that first, eight channel second.niall wrote:what about the delta?orudge wrote:
The 12-channel is with the radio, but we should have the 8-channel (although I'll be wanting to use that on the Saturday night for the band setup most likely, so that'd have to be set up on the Sunday). Not sure what else we'd have, again shall have to enquire about that.
Got an e-mail from the band:
EDIT: Just learned that the drum kit in the union is in a bit of a state and not really usable... shall get in touch with the band. Probably easier for us if they do an acoustic gig, although we'll see what they say.
So we may only be doing an acoustic gig if their other guys can't make it it now seems, shall let you know what I find out tonight. Shall let them know the situation here regarding everything, anyway.Hey Ina
Craig here, just wondering what's the haps with Sunday? Because we don't use
a permanent drummer or bassist we won't know until tonight whether the ones
we're using at the moment can make it. If they can are you able to get all
the relevant amps, microphones, stands, leads etc? And does the union have a
house drum kit? We'd also need some sort of sound guy to work it all at the
mixing desk.
If they can't make it Arron and I are more than happy to do an acoustic
thing which would only require two mics and a sound guy. Hope that acoustic
alternative is ok. Could maybe get some bongo action on the go!
Also what time would we be on and for how long (I heard 20 minutes)?
Hope all the other preparations are going well and I'll see you on Friday
Cheers very much for getting us involved- sounds like a cool event!
EDIT: Just learned that the drum kit in the union is in a bit of a state and not really usable... shall get in touch with the band. Probably easier for us if they do an acoustic gig, although we'll see what they say.
Owen Rudge
OK, and another update: the current lighting plan can be found here. We should be able to keep the 743s and 15/28s on bars 5/6 (highlighted blue and yellow) from Little Shop, am just checking with Dan that it actually is those lights they're using though (am for once away from the union so can't check at the moment).
Any comments, etc, appreciated!
Any comments, etc, appreciated!
Owen Rudge
Just to give advance warning - I have to miss the general meeting tomorrow, as thanks to the physics labs having all faulty equipment bizarrely concentrated around my bench, I'm now really behind in my lab project and have to make up the hours tomorrow. I'm just letting you know in case anything ICE-related comes up in the meeting - although if it does, I trust it will end up posted here anyway? Thank you for keeping us all informed so far.