Week 4 09/10

Minutes of all 5pm Crew Meetings available here (starting 2009/10)
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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:45 pm

Week 4 09/10

Post by Matthew »

Phil Pass: Director of Events and Services
Matthew A Robertson: SSC Entertainments Officer
Bruce Turner: Building Supervisor
Joshua Muggleton: Technical Coordinator

Others whose attendance was not recorded due to an oversight
Apologies for Absence
Adam Copp: Technical Coordinator
Dave Jones: DJ Coordinator
Caroline Bell; Sam Keane; Izzy Hale; Craig Robertson; Paul Cox
Matters Arising
The crew are once again thanked for all of their hard work over the last week.
Crew was assigned to forthcoming events as in the attached document (omitted from the published minuets to protect crew confidentiality)
Committee Business
Director of Events and Services
Had no business
SSC Entertainments Officer
Had no business but will try harder next week!!!
Building Supervisor
Bruce stated that he is concerned however he had to leave to deal with an incident and did not return before the end of the meeting to say what he is concerned about.
Technical Coordinators
Josh has now fully implemented a new DMX patch plan across only two universes; the enigma will be re-patched accordingly in due course.
Further Josh noted that as crew moral is not high at the moment and that the event on Saturday has been cancelled. He therefore proposed that on Saturday afternoon member of the crew might like to do a bit of light rigging followed by a bit of a party. Hopefully this will get the venue ready for the rigors of Halloween Week and Calvin Harris: http://www.yourunion.net/whatson/events ... _id=368655 .
The rigging will start at 3pm details of the party follow seperatly.
DJ Coordinator
?Cheese Cheese Cheese for the love of God Cheese?
The DJ co-ordinator did not elaborate and no comments were made on the above statement.
First Year Rep
Had no business
Members of the crew stated that they wished that a poll be placed on the association website to gauge which types of music the members ?were into?. They would also like to try a club night event in Venue 2 to try out this type of music. It was however noted that there is a regular event on in V2 on Friday nights.

Meeting Closed at 17:55

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ents crew
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:22 am

Post by Delts »

Is text the DJ not being used? Why have a poll on the website (which I'm sure has less visitors than the bop) which is easy to manipulate when we have text the dj there?
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