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80s bop
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:58 pm
by niall
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:17 am
by helen
so so purdy!
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:01 am
by Richard
yes, very nice - I mean that took us about 30 mins to do, and made a great effect! I'm sure that we do things like that a bit more often? It'd make the 'themed' nighted actually be a bit more themed other than the so called 'themed music' we get sometimes!
Long live Ents!
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 5:04 am
by Mohawk
it made the night all that much better, there was a good atmosphere in the bop, even though i had a bad case of the flu i had fun,
sorted out the "you're a winner screen" more on that later though, its 5 am and i need sleep,
but i got it so it streams an external .jpg and we just change tt.. i amaze myself sometimes...
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:37 am
by niall
Richard wrote:yes, very nice - I mean that took us about 30 mins to do, and made a great effect! I'm sure that we do things like that a bit more often? It'd make the 'themed' nighted actually be a bit more themed other than the so called 'themed music' we get sometimes!
Long live Ents!
took us a wee bit longer than 30 minutes!
but now we know what we're doing and if we had more people it wouldnt take that long
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:21 pm
by Rich R
I'm well impressed with ourselves, we need to do stuff like that more often, brainstorm
(mindmap) some ideas.
OoOoOo, so kool!
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:31 am
by Richard
Rich R wrote:I'm well impressed with ourselves, we need to do stuff like that more often, brainstorm
(mindmap) some ideas.
OoOoOo, so kool!
Indeed we do - see we make the bops sooooo much better, and if I get in next year there will be even more coolness thanks to Ents!
Go us!
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:05 pm
by niall
are we gonna re-do this for tonights bop? since Rich and i know what we're doing this time it shouldnt take too long to do..
Rich: you up for going in about 7.30 to put it up?
anyone else fancy lending a hand?
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:08 pm
by Mohawk
i'll be about, going to dig into the vinyl archive to make up for my distinct lack of 80's cheese.
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 4:02 pm
by Keith
I can be in for 7:30 too. see you then!
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 6:25 pm
by steph
That looks good and pretty easy (?) to do. What kind of problems did you run into?
Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:44 pm
by niall
aside from me gaining a large gash to my hand when it got caught between a G-clamp and the 6 bar, we only had 3 right-angled clamps, so had to improvise a bit, tho tbh, i cant quite remember what we did.
We *may* have used a concoction of G-clamps, but to be honest i dont fully remember, the biggest bit i do remember is the searing pain in my hand (my leatherman still has blood stains on it!). I'm trying to remember who was there at the time. I thknk it was Mince, Rich, Helen, Mohawk and myself (we had been rigging for G&S) so if anyone remembers what we did please say!
general kit you'll need:
4 bits of scaffold
4 rightangle clamps (rigids are better, but swivels work just as well)
4 (or more) G-clamps
3 (maybe 4) Nevos
2 6 Bars of CP60s
the G-clamps slot into the Nevos and then the bars are held in them, with the Scaff supporting them vertically.
stick the Hazer in between with a peice of wood (or suchlike) over the vent to distribute the smoke out either side and hey presto!
edit: the second time we did it, it did take less time since we were making it up as we went along! I would say that its easier with 4 people per bar (2 to hold the bar and two to tighten bolts) Rich and I did try it between us and this is how got my hand caught!